Our God is trinity - 3 distinct persons.
Since God is a community of Father, Son and Spirit and we are made in His image (Gen 1:27) this is why God said “It is not good for the man to be alone.” (Gen 2:18) and so we were made male and female in His image (Gen 1:27).

Our God is intimately one.
Jesus prayed for us “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you…that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity.” (Jn 17:21-23).

Our God is love.
The Father has been eternally loving the Son (Jn 17:24) by the Spirit (eg Rom 15:30) and so John declares that “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.“ (1 Jn 4:8). So we are created as lovers in the image of God. However, this love is very different to our concept of love – it is Holy.
Our God does not change his mind (1 Sam 15:29), is faithful when we are faithless (2 Tim 2:13) and keeps his covenant of love (Dt 7:7-9). And so we are also covenantal lovers – until death. Hence Adam and Eve were married (Gen 3:8, 4:1) and there was no divorce (Mt 19:8). The consummation of marriage is the seal of this covenant which is why Jewish marriage was not considered complete until consummation. Like God, our oneness is for life.
The Father is called father as his identity is about giving life and love – he is the source, the initiator. He has eternally loved the Son, the Son in turn has loved given his life for the Church. Likewise the man is meant to freely lavish love and give his life for his wife (Eph 5:25-28). This cascade of love is called headship (1 Cor 11:3).