Basic biography
John trained as a teacher at Oxford University, but despite this he still refers to himself in the third person.
John loves using stories and his rather quirky British humour to open people’s eyes.
When he’s not wrestling with his work-life balance or literally wrestling with his four children, he’s wrestling with writing words on a page in his cramped study.
John lives with his family near Oxford, England where daily he wonders how his wife still finds the same jokes funny after more than 20 years of marriage.
Comedic biography
John was born at a very young age with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. At first, it appeared that no lasting damage had been done, but as he grew it became clear that his sense of humour had been damaged irreparably.
Not even Bible College, counselling, and prayer ministry has been able to rectify things, so John eagerly awaits the new creation where his humour will be perfected.
John also trained as a teacher at Oxford University, but despite this he still refers to himself in the third person. Whilst there, he performed stand-up comedy as part of the Oxford Revue but got tired and has been sitting down at his desk to perform his humour ever since.
The Babylon Bee ignores his submissions, and others tell him not to give up the day job. So now, when he’s not wrestling with work-life balance or literally wrestling with his children, he’s wrestling with writing funny words on a page in his cramped study.
John lives with his family near Oxford, England where daily he wonders how his wife still finds the same jokes funny..
Detailed biography
John is a child of God, a husband and a father to 6 children (4 on earth and 2 in heaven). He trained as a teacher at Oxford University, but despite this he still refers to himself in the third person. He loves using stories and his quirky humour to open people’s eyes and has used these tools in more than 20 years of children’s work.
John received his diploma in theology from King’s Bible College in 2008 and wrote his dissertation on God’s heart for children. In 2013, he completed the Leadership Development Programme from Bethel Church, Redding. Together with his wife, he had the privilege of leading a small organic church that started with a bunch of hurt and broken people and ended with them brought back to life and leaving to pursue their God-given callings.
This is the calling on his life: to be a father and, like David preparing Solomon to build the temple, his desire is to help his children (both natural and spiritual) to fulfil their God-given callings. That they would go further than him; that his ceiling will become their floor and that they will stand on his shoulders and see and do things for God that he only dreamt about.
He wrote some online Sunday school resources and was shocked to discover that more than 30,000 visitors have stumbled upon them. This made him think that maybe his stories and other resources could be used to bless people and help them on their spiritual journeys.
Finally he hopes he never loses the wonder at how an imperfect man can bring glory to God and how his wife can still find the same jokes funny after more than 20 years of marriage.