Thanks for wanting to get in touch.
Below are some of the more common requests for information that I receive.  Hopefully, you will find your answer below. If not, please contact me by using the form below or by snail mail through my publishing company:
Kingdom Collective Publishing
Unit 10936
PO Box 6945

Using an excerpt
I operate on a culture of honour. I’m okay with people using a sentence or paragraph from a book or blog when creating a meme. You are welcome to use a short excerpt in your blog or book if you reference me as well as the specific source. For anything longer than a paragraph, please contact me for permission first. Many thanks.
I usually will give permission to reblog a complete blog if you reference the source. However, I must ask that you contact me first before doing so by using the contact form.
I’m absolutely delighted when my readers let me know that an article impacted them so I can celebrate with them. If you’re willing for me to publish your testimony of how my website or book affected you, please let me know.
Website Corrections
Did I make a grammatical or spelling error? Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know about any errors that have sneaked past my editor or myself. It means so much to me.
Speaking Requests
I’m honoured that you would want me to speak. I’m more than happy to speak to groups of any size. However, in addition to writing, I have a full-time job, a young family, and I am a caregiver to my disabled wife. Therefore, I must limit the number of engagements so that I fulfil my primary responsibilities at home. Please do contact me and I will prayerfully consider your request.
Guest Blog
I’m honoured that you would ask me to contribute to your blog. Please let me know the details of your site, including a link to your website, the topic you would like me to write about, and the time frame in which you need the blog written. My time is limited, but I will seek the Lord concerning your request.
Godly Sexuality Workshop
A “Teach Your Children Godly Sexuality” workshop will take about 8 hours. This could be done over four evenings (spaced a week apart) or it could be completed on one Saturday. My current responsibilities may not allow me to run a workshop for you. However, I’m more than happy to train someone to host a workshop. It is my aim to create a set of videos that will make hosting this workshop even easier.
Do you have an idea for a new allegorical tale or a topic that you wish to see covered? Is there a topic on godly sexuality that you would like a blog post on? Do you have a suggestion for my recommended page? Is there a resource you’d like to see added to my resources page? Great! Use the form to tell me about it.

Do you have a short allegorical tale that you’d like to be published as part of the Lost Parables series? It could be a stand-alone story or an anthology. That’s fantastic. These should be no more than 2000 words long. I’m more than happy to read it and prayerfully consider its inclusion to the series.
Please bear in mind that I plan to offer the series for free or for a minimal cost to the reader. However, the costs to publish this series will be about £300, going toward the cover, images, editing, and publishing. So, it’s unlikely to make any money. On the other hand, it will bless people, advance the kingdom, and bring traffic to your website.
Is there a passage from the “Not the Bible” project that spoke to you? Would you like to contribute a blog post about it? That would be awesome! Contributions should be between 300 and 1000 words. Please contact me and we’ll talk more!

I’m happy to answer any questions raised as you read my blog and books. Given time constraints, I might not be able to reply to your query immediately. If there are several queries on the same topic, I might address these via a blog post rather than individually. If there is a subject you would like me to write about, please contact me!

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